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22 Mar 2007
All Round Europe
Category: Travel
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All Round Europe
Posted by: Thomas Williams

During the summer of 2005 I travelled around Europe visiting the capital of each country. Although this was immensely enjoyable it was also one of the most arduous activities that I have ever undertaken – and if I never travel on a train again I won’t be too dishearted. In each capital I created several panoramic photos, the best of each city being displayed on this website. In doing this I was trying to capture an image or idea in each city which I found interesting or aesthetically prominent. However I must stress that I certainly haven’t chosen photos with the intent of creating an accurate representation of that city – merely some small part of it. When travelling I had no pre-set ideas about any of the places I would be visiting. I am not a geography student and I had certainly no specialized knowledge of the social or historical structures of the cities I visited. For this reason, I feel I am able to make a truly personal impression completely without prejudice. This was important as I wanted to get an untainted viewpoint of each city in 2005 without the comments of other people interfering. With each panoramic I have included a few notes as to my thoughts and feelings that I had experienced in each capital, together with some basic details about the city and country. My aim, in including this, is to share with you the impressions that I obtained in each city in relation to some of the more important factors shaping each country’s development. These may be in complete contrast to opinions you have yourself or have heard, but that doesn’t really matter. This website is more of a personal journal of my time in each of these places, and as I have said before I am not trying to create an accurate representation (an idea I find heroically subjective anyway).

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